Experience an initiatory journey, custom designed to help usher you across significant thresholds + welcome in new chapters in your life.

We have largely lost touch with the sacred act of personal ceremony in modern society. Engaging in ceremony can help you move through and embrace times of change + transformation with greater ease.

There are an infinite number of passages in our lives that deserve to ceremonial acknowledgment, some of these include: adolescence, marriage, divorce, pregnancy, birth + parenthood, maturation, choosing a vocation, starting a business, career changes, moving to a new home, death of a loved one or releasing past trauma.

Each Rituel Ceremonial experience is personalized unique and provides you with profound guidance within a time honored ceremonial framework for navigating life’s transitions. They honor our deep human instinct to meaningfully commemorate our experiences and precipitate huge leaps in your growth and personal evolution.


Listed below are some themed ceremonial experiences designed to support you through specific times of transition. Alternatively we can create a customized ceremonial experience for you to honor any other threshold you or a loved one may be navigating. Click below for more information on each option.


As a seasoned ceremonialist, I have a long-standing reverence for ritual traditions and a deep love of designing ceremonial experiences that help guide people across thresholds in their lives.

Ritual is a meaningful, symbolic language through which we deepen our understanding of ourselves, connect with others, cultivate our relationship with our ancestors engage with the rhythms of nature and cultivate relationships with our ancestors and the cosmos.

I believe that we each posses an innate ability to engage in meaningful ceremonial experiences and are entitled to greater literacy ritual, a powerful alchemical language and that the growth and transformation these practices offer us is our birthright.

My studies in medical and psychological anthropology focused on rites and rituals and my thesis addressed the lack of life cycle rituals for women in Western culture and examined the particular set of challenges this precipitates, as women reach various stages of maturity without vital honoring and support.

I’ve been fortunate to learn a myriad of healing practices and ceremonial traditions from many expert teachers and elders. I am grateful to steward 20 acres of sacred land in the Santa Monica Mountains, the place of inception of Rituel.

Please schedule a time to talk if you’d like to learn more about Rituel Ceremonies.