Healing the Path to Love


Preparing for healthy relationships demands courageous exploration of the deeply ingrained programming we carry regarding intimacy and partnership. Often, the models we’ve observed and the experiences we’ve endured in past relationships have left behind residues and patterns that require careful examination and reconfiguration. Before we can step into the realm of truly fulfilling and expansive relationships, we must confront these remnants head-on.

This journey is not one we need to undertake alone. This experience offers a unique blend of coaching and ceremonial infusion, creating a transformative space where you are supported, guided and enveloped in the medicine of companionship and encouragement, as you navigate the terrain of your inner world. Realign your perspectives and release outdated patterns, ideas, and beliefs to make space for the possibility of cultivating relationships that are not only healthy but truly enriching and fulfilling.

This experience includes a 6-week mentorship and a Ceremony of Integration.
